Experience Journaling – Recap

Hi writers! I hope you had a great time this month trying something new and writing about it! I did not write every day. Nor did I paint every day. But I did a whole lot more writing and painting than I would have done without the challenge.

Now onward to something new! Join me tomorrow as we begin a two-month lead-in to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). In September we’re going to grab a good old-fashioned prompt book (I’ll be using 642 Things to Write About, by the San Francisco Writers Grotto) and generate just a ton of raw material. We’re also going to absorb some lessons about good storytelling from Lisa Cron’s Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel. Then in October we are going to get our ducks in a row, focusing on plotting, outlining, and world-building. I hope you’ll join me!